Monday, April 5, 2010

abbie's dance

Abbie went to her second father-daughter dance. Last year was her first.
Titi paints her nails.
Sophie's not sure what all the fuss is about- just give her a few more years.
Abbie has her hair done in "Grammy's Salon".

Where does she get that gorgeous hair??? not me that's for sure!
Molly wants a turn in "Grammy's Salon" too.
She was just so patient having her hair done.

Abbie was just so excited to get going.

Can we please go yet???
I'm just imagining what it's going to be like when she comes down these stairs for her first dance with a boy- yikes!

As you can see Sophie and I aren't dressed for the occasion...

The girls with Titi and Lou Lou.
Abbie's corsage

Daddy brought Molly a flower as well...which she used as a fishing pole while Abbie was having pictures taken.
I just love this shot.
Daddy and the girls
getting a little rambunctious...

All dressed and ready to go.
And here's Molly with her flower that we made into a corsage since it broke after all of her fishing...but now it's "just like Abbie's" as she said.
She's ready for her own dance with Daddy.

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