Saturday, July 31, 2010

tubbie fun

normally abbie and molly take their baths together without sophie, but when i put her on the floor in the hallway with toys to play with she just crawled right into the bathroom and pulled herself up on the tub trying to get in- how could i deny her the fun of bathtime with her sisters after all that effort?
and here she is with her new silly face- not sure about this...

yes, she even crawls in the tub- she just loves being mobile

my little troublemaker!

life-size dora

abbie wanted to take a picture of the girls next to the dora puzzle they made- she thought it was really neat that dora was the size size as sophie
and here is sophie adoring her big sister

on the move

finally- one of the girls has decided to crawl before walking! sophie just loves being mobile.

Friday, July 30, 2010

corn in the pool

so my dad was shucking corn next to sophie in her little pool and she wanted to play with it- so my dad tosses a few ears in the pool and then she starts nibbling on them- who needs pool toys?

and here is her new face- not a good one, huh?

abbie loves to "swim" in the hot tub- she uses her goggles and swims underwater

sophie likes to play with the hose while the pool is filling up- and we are spoiled because grandpa's hose has warm water coming out!

joshua tree tees

uncle nathan and aunt elizabeth sent the girls a goody package for their birthdays and in it were these great tees from their trip- perfect coverups for the pool

swingset fun

abbie has become quite a climber this summer


sophie loves to carry things- she always has something in hand wherever she goes

cooking with grammy

abbie and grammy made a pepper octopus with a hummus ocean

trying on school clothes

abbie wants to wear skorts to school this year- last year she only wanted her uniform jumper

snuggle buddies

the girls wanted me to take a picture of them after their baths with their jammies and stuffed animals
abbie had monkeys on her jammies and thought it was really funny to be holding a monkey

molly holding her beloved froggie who sleeps with her every night

nap time

molly fell asleep after playing ballet with abbie

more sink tubbies

at the beach house

4th of july

we had a great week celebrating the 4th at the beach house
molly and sophie playing with sunglasses

now brushing sophie's hair
playing on the chair swing
time to write a story
a quick game of catch
how funny that sophie and molly look like they are the same height- but of course they aren't- abbie and molly are kneeling and sophie is standing

sunset right before the fireworks
and molly couldn't wait until she got into her bed to fall asleep- she was so tired that she fell asleep on the couch while i was nursing sophie

Thursday, July 29, 2010

fun at the beach house

sophie loving her sisters' shoes
not sure about this face, but she was dragging this fishing pole around all afternoon
matching jammies for the campfire
soaking our feet at grammy's salon