Wednesday, June 30, 2010

sophie in the walker

this is just the funniest thing- sophie loves to chase abbie and molly around the house and man does she fly!

cooking with grandma

abbie and grammy made grover faces

big bear

the girls took pictures of each other posing with the big bear that abbie picked out at the toy store for titi and loulou to give her for graduating kindergarten.

graduation dresses

i forgot to add these pictures of the girls in the dresses they wore for abbie's graduation- of course i just can't resist matching for the little ones.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

dirty baby

okay seriously, keep scrolling down- she gets dirtier and dirtier as you go.

so now we all know why Grandpa is the girls' favorite babysitter of all time!!!

sophie could not get enough of the dirt- she just loves to get messy

marker mustache

molly didn't realize that she had marker on her face- she was using scented markers and put it a bit too close to her nose when smelling it- too funny!

pretty baby

sophie loves trying on abbie's headbands, though they only stay on for about 5 seconds

reading buddies

Molly was watching Sophie for me for a few minutes and she took books out of the bookshelf for them to read- what a great babysitter (well, sometimes!)

watermelon smile

sink tubbies

sophie always wants what molly has.

of course you need goggles for the sink

and this is how i can tell that sophie is done with her bath- when she starts climbing out of the sink!

painting fun

after I cleaned up her face and took the paintbrush out of her mouth...