Friday, September 24, 2010

apple picking

we went apple picking at dame farm in johnston. here we are on a horse drawn wagon ride before the picking began.

sophie really had a blast this year
molly did too
abbie found a good one here
another prize

sophie thought this was the best thing- an apple her size

with a mouth full of apple
peetking through the trees
i'm not sure how much picking these two did- they always seem to be eating the apples

sophie thought it was great to literally throw the apples in the bag
the only way i could keep her quiet in the car on the ride home was to give her an apple to bite on

the girls had a great time

abbie the diva

with this pose need i say more?

making a mess

sophie's new thing is grabbing books out of the bookshelf and tossing them on the floor so she can "read" them- and man is she fast!

goggle girl

even when we're not even close to the pool we like to wear our goggles...

busy at work

molly and sophie feel like they need to do homework while abbie is busy doing hers

ballet friends

molly dressed for ballet with her ballerina doll

spa time at the beach house

the girls love to have grammy soak their feet at the beach house. their favorite part is the mud mask.

Friday, September 3, 2010

cereal for sophie

sophie just loves feeding herself, especially when she can use utensils. here she is with cereal and milk- a bit tricky! check out that puddle of milk she is sitting in.

and the sweet little grin
she was so proud of herself

when she was through we just picked her up and hosed her down in the sink and then proceeded to give her a sink tubby, which was even more fun than getting messy with the cereal.

sticker face

too bad this picture came out so blurry- one night sophie decided to decorate herself with stickers

and if you look at her swollen gums you can see why she was up in the middle of the night- these teeth have been killers coming in

the tooth fairy visits

abbie's tooth started wiggling on wednesday and she woke up saturday morning asking for an apple so she could bite into it for the tooth to come out. well i just thought that she would take a gentle bite and nothing would happen- well that is not the case. she took a giant bite right in the front where her wiggly tooth was- and you guessed it- it popped right out!
here she is with the apple

sophie's new squinty face smile
aunt ginny came over with a dollar to help the tooth fairy out
and here it is

the jack-o-lantern grin
tooth fairy treasures- a gold dollar and a regular dollar
molly's excited too and ready for one of her teeth to come out!

eat your vegetables

since abbie has been diagnosed with diabetes we have changed our family's diet to include more vegetables and less carbs. grandma has become very creative in her presentation of veggies to get the girls to eat them. here is abbie's veggie burger.

and she proudly shows off her first loose tooth- complete with her first grade sticker on her shirt.


the girls spending some time together

goggles are worn just about everywhere

abbie's second day of first grade

and i couldn't resist adding a picture of abbie in her jumper on the second day

molly missed being in the picture as she was still sleeping but sophie was very excited to have some time alone with big sister abbie as she absolutely adores her