Friday, October 1, 2010

we love cupcakes

need i say more?


sophie doesn't usually last very long but here we are reading our bedtime stories in the story chair

yes those are my dirty feet- can you tell i go barefoot outside a lot?

yep, sophie is already down

Friday, September 24, 2010

apple picking

we went apple picking at dame farm in johnston. here we are on a horse drawn wagon ride before the picking began.

sophie really had a blast this year
molly did too
abbie found a good one here
another prize

sophie thought this was the best thing- an apple her size

with a mouth full of apple
peetking through the trees
i'm not sure how much picking these two did- they always seem to be eating the apples

sophie thought it was great to literally throw the apples in the bag
the only way i could keep her quiet in the car on the ride home was to give her an apple to bite on

the girls had a great time

abbie the diva

with this pose need i say more?

making a mess

sophie's new thing is grabbing books out of the bookshelf and tossing them on the floor so she can "read" them- and man is she fast!

goggle girl

even when we're not even close to the pool we like to wear our goggles...

busy at work

molly and sophie feel like they need to do homework while abbie is busy doing hers